Virtual Constructors.
What is a "Virtual Constructor"?
An idiom that allows you to do something that C++ doesn't directly support. You can get the effect of virtual constructor by a virtual "createCopy()" member fn (for copy constructing), or a virtual "createSimilar()" member fn (for the default constructor).
class Shape
virtual ~Shape() { } //see on "virtual destructors" for more
virtual void draw() = 0;
virtual void move() = 0;
virtual Shape* createCopy() const = 0;
virtual Shape* createSimilar() const = 0;
class Circle : public Shape
Circle* createCopy() const
return new Circle(*this);
Circle* createSimilar() const
return new Circle();
The invocation of "Circle(*this)" is that of copy construction ("*this" has type "const Circle&" in these methods). "createSimilar()" is similar, but it constructs a "default" Circle.
Users use these as if they were "virtual constructors":
void userCode(Shape& s)
Shape* s2 = s.createCopy();
Shape* s3 = s.createSimilar();
delete s2; //relies on destructor being virtual!!
delete s3; // ditto
This fn will work correctly regardless of whether the Shape is a Circle, Square, or some other kind-of Shape that doesn't even exist yet.